

Key contents of Bank Mayapada Code of Conduct are as follow:

  1. Act in a professional manner;
  2. Be role models and remind one another;
  3. Maintain good relationship;
  4. Maintain confidentiality;
  5. Maintain work safety;
  6. Be committed to the environment;
  7. Conduct data entry and report preparation;
  8. Do not abuse authority to take benefit whether directly or indirectly, for personal or other parties’ gain;
  9. Prevent conflict of interest;
  10. Prohibited from giving, accepting gifts or gratificaion;
  11. Allowed to act as resource person in an event on behalf of or using the Bank’s identity;
  12. Prohibited from being members and donors of a political party;
  13. Prohibited from disclosing inaccurate information;
  14. Utilize and maintain Bank assets;
  15. Prohibited from abusing corporate identity.

Content details of Bank Mayapada Key Code of Conduct are formulated in Decision Letter of the Directors No. 03/KEP/DIR/III/2010 of 23 March 2010. Code of Conduct are also written in GCG guidelines and integrity pact. Every newly recruited employee is obligated to read the integrity pact which contains key Code of Conduct, as a form of socialization since the employee joins the company. Furthermore, code of conduct socialization is periodically conveyed by the Company through training, and can be read on My Portal.

Code of Conduct applies to the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and all employees of Bank Mayapada in all levels of the organization. Regulations and Code of Conduct are binding and must be truly understood and observed by all levels in order to support the implementation of GCG principles. Should fraudulence or violation occur, the offender will be subjected to penalty/punishment according to the level of violation. A possible penalty, among which, is termination of employment, and if criminal, then it will be reported to the authorities. During 2015, there were no significant violations of the code of conduct that occurred in Bank Mayapada work environments.


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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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