


Bank Mayapada provides foreign exchange services :

Outgoing transfer full amount fees (USD)

  1. Customer is required to deposit an additional amount of US$25
  2. Customer will be charged a telex (cable charges) IDR 50.000 per transaction
  3. Customer will be charged a commision in lieu of exchange as follows:

       * Provision of 1/8%, if the amount is taken from US$ account (min US$ 10, max US 200), or

* Provision of 1%, if the amount is in a form of US$ B/N

* Selling TT currency, if the amount is in form of cash or debit from rupiah account, or

* Buying-selling TT currency, if the amount is in cash or debit from other currencies than US$ or IDR, or

* Free if the amount is taken from Bank Mayapada US$ deposit account (not on break)


Outgoing transter full amount fees (SGD)

  1. If the beneficiary bank is a not an account holder of UOB Bank Singapore, the customer will be charged as follows:

               * SGD 20 for beneficiary bank residing in Singapore

* 0.125% (min. SGD 20 – max. SGD 100) beneficiary bank residing outside of Singapore

  1. If the beneficiary/ beneficiary bank is not an account holder in UOB Bank Singapore, customer will be charged SGD 10
  2. Customer will be charged a telex (cable charges)fee IDR 50.000 per transaction
  3. Customer will be charged a commision in lieu of exchange as follows:

* Provision of 1%, if the amount is in a form of SGD B/N , or

* Selling TT currency, if the amount is in a form of cash or debit from rupiah account, or

* Buying-selling TT currency, if the amount is in cash or debit from currencies other than SGD or IDR


Outgoing transfer full amount fees (AUD)

  1. Customer is required to deposit an additional amount of AUD 25.
  2. If the beneficiary account is not an AUD account holder of ANZ bank or if the beneficiary account is residing outside of Australia, customer will be charged an additional amount of AUD 15 (total fee will be AUD40)
  3. Customer will be charged a telex (cable charges) fee IDR 50.000 per transacion
  4. Customer will be charged a commision in lieu of exhange as follows:

* Provision of 1%, if the amount is in a form of SGD B/N , or

* Selling TT currency, if the amount is in a form of cash or debit from rupiah account, or

* Buying-selling TT currency, if the amount is in cash or debit from currencies other than AUD or IDR


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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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