
MyLoan provides you with variety of features to fulfill your financial needs with competitive interest rate. We offer our full facilities such as consultation to ensure your success. Various option of loans are as follows:

 Working Capital Loan :

  1. Overdraft Loan Facility (PRK)
  2. Fixed Loans for permanent working capital needs
  3. Fixed Loans withdrawal can be tailored to your needs
  4. Import Loan for import transactions, such as Trust Receipt (T/R) for the redemption of imported Documents
  5. Export Loan to the exporters for export financing
  6. Syndication Loan by two or more banks

 Investment Loan/Fixed, Installment Loans for investment purposes of your business

 Consumer Loan to finance purchasing of consumer goods, as follows:

  1. Housing Loan (KPR)
  2. Vehicle Loans (KKB)
  3. Multipurpose Loan (Personal Loan)

 Bank Guarantee issued by the Bank to facilitate your transactions :

  1. Tender / Bid Bond
  2. Performance Bond
  3. Advance Payment Bond
  4. Payment Bond

 L/C is an instrument for import-export transactions:

  1. L/C Sight
  2. L/C Usance

For further information, please contact MyCall at 1500029 or visit our nearest office.


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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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