

Bank Mayapada realize that companies have a responsibility to the stakeholders who have supported the business development of the company. The responsibility is manifested through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The CSR program is also the company's commitment to support sustainable development.

Bank Mayapada refers top revailing regulatory laws incomposing and implementing CSR programs relevant to the environment, labor, work health and safety, social and community development, and consumer responsibility. The regulations, among which, are :
1.  Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liabilities Company.
2.  Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2003 on Labor.
3.  LawoftheRepublicofIndonesiaNo.8of1999onCustomer Protection.
4.  Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management.
5.  Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 on Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liabilities
6.  Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 1/POJK.07/2013 on Financial Services Sector Customer Protection.


Bank Mayapada is committed to improving and nurturing the environment although the company business activities are not directly related to production with direct impact on the environment. The Bank has allocated CSR funds to activities in the field of environment as as well as other fields.

Forms ofActivity

As an effort to do the environmental friendly business practice, Bank Mayapada has implemented a paperless program in every operational activity of the Bank. Paper usage is attempted to be as economical as possible by duplex printing or utilizing used blank paper for printing document draft in need of revisions. Furthermore, multiplication of documents is executed by document scanning to then be distributed by email. We also attempt to load all reports onto Compact Disk/CDs to decrease paper usage.

Environmental friendlybussines is also performed throughwater and electricity usage conservation campaign in daily activities in the office environment. This campaign is still in internal discussion stage to then be put into memo. Furthermore, through the Mayapada Go Green program, we plant trees in the surrounding environment of the company, in all areas of sub-branch locations.

   19.95%                                                                                   21.27%
Electricity conservation                                                              Water conservation

Labor is one of the significant factors in business development andsustainability.BankMayapadaconsidershumanresourcesto be more than company assets, but business partners.

Management Policies

Policies set ofmanagement related to Bank Mayapada Laborand Work Safety are as follows:

1.  SK No. 038/SK/DIR/IX/2012 of 4 September 2012 on Business Continuity Planning (BCP).
2.  SK No. 031/SK/DIR/VIII/2014 of 29 August 2014 on Guidelines for Business Continuity Plan (BCP) IT and membership of Bank
     Mayapada BCP ITTeam.
3.  SK No. 003/SK/DIR/I2015 of 26 January 2015 on Business Continuity Management (BCM).
4.  SK No.004/SKDIR/I2015 of 30 January 2015 on First Amendment of SK DIR No. 031/SK/DIR/VIII/2014 on Guidelines for
     Business Continuity Plan (BCP) IT and Membership of Bank Mayapada BCP ITTeam.
5.  SE No. 116/SE/DIR/RM/IX/2015 of 23 September 2015 on Smoke Disaster Impact Management.

In terms of policies on employment, the Bank refers to the Law Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Employment. This shows that BankMayapadacompliestotheprevailingregulationswithinthis State in order to avoid the breach of human rights towards manpower.

Forms ofActivity

Bank Mayapada pays particular attention to gender equality in employee recruitment. Likewise, job opportunities opened regardless of gender, race, ethnicity religion. Every employee is ensured of equal treatment without differentiating gender, ethnicity, and religion. Similar opportunities are also given for self competence improvement and position promotion. In addition, it can encourage employee turnover.

Bank Mayapada has a training center facility to improve employee HR competence. Training and development programs given to employees, among which, are training for new branch opening, operational training, mini class frontliner training, BSMR and LSPP refreshment, soft skill and hard skill training.

To foster closer relationship between the Bank’s management and employees, Bank Mayapada also holds outing/gathering activities that involve employees and their families. Aside from said programs, Bank Mayapada is also greatly concerned for employee welfare by providing labor social security in the form of Social Security Board (BPJS) of Employment and BPJS of Health membership, holy days annual benefit, medical and hospital treatment assistance, maternity cost assistance, subscription glasses purchase assistance, regional minimum wage fulfilment, and employee cooperation.

Risk mitigation at work for frontliner health, especially tellers, is conducted by distributing milk on everywork day.This is related to the risk of respiratory and lung disease due to dust from money. Furthermore, the Bank also provides accident insurance for all employees.

Bank Mayapada is committed to developing a business that is aligned with the socioeconomic development of the community. This is a mutual symbiosis between the company and surrounding community, where the business continuity of Bank Mayapada will be supported by the welfare level of the people. Bank Mayapada social responsibility towards social and community development is a form of Bank Mayapada appreciation for the public’s ongoing trust in the company.

Forms of Activity

Mayapada Peduli National Movement Program is held to celebrate Bank Mayapada 25th anniversary with the purpose of bringingusclosertothe people.Thisprogramis organized on 23 and 28-29 March 2015 at locations such as state schools, orphanages, and nursing homes.

Bank Mayapada in cooperation with Tahir Foundation provides funding sponsor assistance to be given to state schools, orphanages, and nursing homes, a total ofRp40 million forthose 3 targets at every established town. The amount of every assistance recipient is Rp20 million forstate school, Rp10 million for orphanage, and Rp10 million for nursing home. Furthermore, appointed Bank Mayapada Branch/Sub-Branch Offices also distributied Javabica Classic Roast coffee for consumption by Management and teachers at state schools, management and workers at orphanages and nursing homes. The assistance was distributed through 39 appointed Bank Mayapada

Branch/Sub-Branch offices in 23 provinces spread over Indonesia. The cost for Mayapada Peduli was Rp 1.69 billion.



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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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