
Suku Bunga


Information :

  1. Information on Prime Lending Rate (SBDK) above refers to POJK No. 13 of 2024 concerning Transparency and Prime Lending Rate publication for Conventional Commercial Banks.
  2. Prime Lending Rate (SBDK) is determined based on various factors, including the reference interest rate set by authority, cost of funds, overhead costs, profit margins, and developments in economic conditions.
  3. Prime Lending Rate (SBDK) is used as the basis for determining the interest rate of credit to be imposed by the Bank to the customer. Prime Lending Rate has not take into account the component of risk premium estimation, the amount of which depends on the Bank's assessment of the risk of each debtor or group of debtors. Thus, the amount of the loan interest rate charged to the debtor is not necessarily the same as the Prime Lending Rate.
  4. Non-Mortgage Consumer Loans does not include fund disbursement through credit card and unsecured credit (KTA).
  5. The applicable Prime Lending Rate information at any time may be found in the publication at any Bank Mayapada office and/or Bank Mayapada website at
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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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