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We understand that you need the best protection. Unexpected things can happen anytime and to anyone. It is important for you and your family to have a Life and Financial Protection plan, for future convenience.

Ziaga Life Plus is a modern insurance solution that provides life protection benefits for 15 years, with a premium payment period of 10 years.  Ziaga Life Plus has the following benefits :

Death Benefit
100% of Sum Assured will be given to your beneficiary
Return of Premium Benefit
110% of customer’s total premium will be returned at the end of the coverage period if there is no life risk

Ziaga Life Benefit advantages :

Peace of Minds
Provide Large Sum Assured for your family in the event of a risk of death.
Extra Protection
Provide life protection for 15 years, with premium payments for 10 years.
Affordable premium
Premiums start from IDR 50,000 per month and payable for 10 years
Return of Premium Benefit
The premiums that have been paid for 10 years will be returned at the end of the coverage period, with an additional bonus of 10% if there is no life risk

General Specification
Age Entry of Insured 18 – 55 years old (last birthday)
Age Entry of Policy Holder 18 – 99 years old (last birthday)
Coverage period 15 years
Basic Regular Premium Minimum IDR 600.000 /year (depending on age & sum assured benefit)
Sum Assured Minimum: IDR 50,000,000
Maximum: No limit (depending on underwriting approval)
Currency IDR


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