Performing sound bank operations and providing maximum added value to customers, employees, shareholders, and the government. |
Corporate Culture
The Corporate Culture of Bank Mayapada is in line with the company vision and mission. The formulation of the corporate culture is stated within Bank Mayapada values, which are transparency, integrity, professionalism, and the capability to address challenges in banking operations. Bank Mayapada’s Vision and Mission were established to provide foundation, direction, and guidance for all levels in performing company activities. Values were established as moral guidance for all levels in undertaking the mission and achieving the vision of the company. A socialization as well as internalization of Corporate Culture for all levels (The Bank’s Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Employees) are conducted periodically. Therefore, the Bank continuously attempts to increase human resources quality starting from employee recruitment, placement, intensive system, education, and training, which sustainably. The process becomes a factor that determines the work of all employees, which ultimately will increase the Bank’s performance.
Anti Fraud Culture
A culture that takes serious attention for Bank Mayapada is anti fraud concern, considering the financial services industry is exceedingly vulnerable to fraudulence. Bank Mayapada’s strategic anti fraud policy is a form of the Board of Commissioners and Directors commitment and responsibility in fraud control. The overall success of anti fraud strategy implementation highly depends on the direction and spirit of the Board of Commissioners and Directors. Directors give zero tolerance for any forms of fraud, whether internally or externally. The implementation of anti fraud strategy is formulated through 4 (four) interconnected pillars of fraud control strategy, which are :
Efforts to cultivate culture of and concern for anti fraud, among which, are by establishing an anti fraud declaration, creating effective internal lines of communication within the company, and providing trainings relevant to awareness development and fraud control.
The following are established pillars of prevention: