

Kredit Multiguna (KMG) UP Menurun
Kredit Multiguna (KMG) Uang Pertanggungan Menurun is a term life insurance program that provides life protection if the customer dies during the Coverage Period.

Product Benefits
If the Insured who is a KMG UP Menurun Debtor of Bank Mayapada dies within the Coverage Period, the Insurer (Sequis) will pay to the Policyholder (Bank) a lump sum of Sum Assured in the amount of outstanding balance (based on the Bank's records with a maximum loan interest rate as stated in the product specifications) so that Beneficiaries are exempted from the obligation to repay the remaining loan.

Product Provisions Table

Ketentuan / Provisions
Keterangan / Description
Entry Age 20-65 years old
Currency IDR
Sum Assured IDR 50 million to IDR 5 billion
Coverage Period 1-10 years; Maximum age at end of Coverage period is 70 years old
Premium Payment Period Premiums are paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the coverage period


Kredit Multiguna (KMG) UP Tetap
Kredit Multiguna (KMG) Uang Pertanggungan Tetap is a term life insurance program that provides life protection if the customer dies during the Coverage Period.

Product Benefits
If the Insured who is a KMG UP Tetap Debtor of Bank Mayapada dies within the Coverage Period, the Insurer (Sequis) will pay to the Policyholder (Bank) a lump sum of the initial loan amount. If there is any surfeit between Sum Assured and the outstanding loan balance, the Bank will give the remaining to the Beneficiaries..

Product Provisions Table

Ketentuan / Provisions
Keterangan / Description
Entry Age 20-65 years old
Currency IDR
Sum Assured IDR 50 million to IDR 5 billion
Coverage Period 1-10 years; Maximum age at end of Coverage period is 70 years old
Premium Payment Period Premiums are paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the coverage period


Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR)
Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) is a term life insurance program that provides life protection if the customer dies during the Coverage Period.

Product Benefits
If the Insured who is a KPR Debtor of Bank Mayapada dies within the Coverage Period, the Insurer (Sequis) will pay to the Policyholder (Bank) a lump sum of Sum Assured in the amount of outstanding balance so that the Beneficiaries are exempted from the obligation to repay the remaining loan.

Product Provisions Table

Ketentuan / Provisions
Keterangan / Description
Entry Age 20-65 years old
Currency IDR
Sum Assured Minimum IDR 50 million
Coverage Period 1-25 years; Maximum age at end of Coverage period is 70 years old
Premium Payment Period    Premiums are paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the coverage period


Kredit Small Medium Enterprise (SME) UP Menurun
Kredit Small Medium Enterprise (SME) UP Menurun is a term life insurance program that provides life protection if the customer dies during the Coverage Period.

Product Benefits
If the Insured who is a SME Debtor of Bank Mayapada dies within the Coverage Period, the Insurer (Sequis) will pay to the Policyholder (Bank) a lump sum of Sum Assured in the amount of outstanding balance (based on Bank records with a maximum loan interest rate as stated in the product specifications) so that the beneficiaries are exempted from the obligation to repay the remaining loan.

Product Provisions Table

Ketentuan / Provisions
Keterangan / Description
Entry Age 20-65 years old
Currency IDR
Sum Assured    IDR 1 billion to IDR 10 billion
Coverage Period 1-10 years; Maximum age at end of Coverage period is 70 years old
Premium Payment Period Premiums are paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the coverage period


Kredit Small Medium Enterprise (SME) UP Tetap
Kredit Small Medium Enterprise (SME) UP Tetap is a term life insurance program that provides life protection if the customer dies during the Coverage Period.

Product Benefits
If the Insured who is a SME UP Tetap Debtor of Bank Mayapada dies within the Coverage Period, the Insurer (Sequis) will pay to the Policyholder (Bank) a lump sum Sum Assured in the amount of initial loan. If there is any surfeit between Sum Assured and the outstanding loan balance, the Bank will give the remaining to the Beneficiaries.

Product Provisions Table

Ketentuan / Provisions
Keterangan / Description
Entry Age 20-65 years old
Currency IDR
Sum Assured    IDR 1 billion to IDR 10 billion
Coverage Period 1-10 years; Maximum age at end of Coverage period is 70 years old
Premium Payment Period Premiums are paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the coverage period



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