Ir. Kumhal Djamil, SE
Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen born in Bengkalis in 1938, domiciled in Jakarta. Completed his Engineering education at Reinish Wesfaelische Technische Hochscule (RWTH) Aachen, Verfahrenstechnik in 1984 and Bachelor of Corporate Economics from University of Indonesia in 1965.
Started his career at a private company as Verfahrensingeniuer DMT Plant at Fried Krupp Chemieanlagenblau Essen (1966-1967), then held the position of Oxygen Acetylene Project Officer at PT Pan Nusantara Indonesia from 1967 to 1970, General Manager at PAN Associates Group of Company (1970-1973), Production Manager at PT ICI Paints
Indonesia (1973-1976), and Management Development Manager at PT Trakindo Utama (1977-1979). In 1979, he began a career at a government institution, then receiving the Satya Lencana Wira Karya Honors in 1986 and Satya Lencana Pembangunan in 1993. The career started from BBPT Senior Scientist (1979-1998), Office Assistant Aid to the State Ministry of Research and Technology to Director General of Foreign Trade (1987), State Secretary (1981 - 1985), Secretary to UP3DN Junior Minister (1985-1987), Director General of Domestic Trade, Department of Trade (1988-1993), Assistant to Coordinator Minister II of Production Development, Marketing, and National Distribution System (1993-1996), Assistant to the Coordinator Minister of Production and Distribution, Industrial Field (1996 - 1998), to Expert Staff of Coordinator Minister of Wasbangpan (1998-1999). In addition, he has also served as President Commissioner of PT (Persero) Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (1989-1992) and Commissioner of PT Petrokimia Gresik (1995-2001). Ir. Kumhal Djamil, SE is an Independent Commissioner of Bank Mayapada since 1995 and was last appointed based on the Deed of the GMS No. 61 dated 16 July 2020.