


PT. Bank Mayapada International Tbk. as a company, particularly as the Bank where the Bank is a business that promotes trust, are required to implement CORPORATE GOVERNANCE / GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (GCG) well.

Far before the declaration of GCG implementation for companies in Indonesia, especially companies that have Go Public by the Government in mid-2006 through the issuance of Bank Indonesia Regulation of Bank Indonesia and the establishment of the National Committee on Governance, PT.Bank Mayapada International Tbk. GCG has implemented properly this can be seen from the success of PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk. through a period of severe economic crisis in 1997.

GCG Implementation can be done through the implementation of regulations on good legislation, regulation Bank Indonesia, Bapepam regulation, taxation rules and other regulations. But besides the implementation of these regulations, without elaborating PT.Bank International is aware that it is no less important is the ethics of the individual businesses. With awareness of ethics, then the implementation of GCG will be better than just compliance with the regulations. With good etiquette business people will avoid a quick profit so that the company's survival will be assured that the interests of share holders and stakeholders can be met properly.

GCG implementation must be supported by all organs of the company, in particular by the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as the company's main responsibility penaggung. With a strong commitment from the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of GCG implementation to lower levels it will be easier. Awareness of the importance of each individual within the company, PT. Bank Mayapada International Tbk. managing human resources properly, begins upon receipt of new employees as well as the continuous training after working employees.

With the implementation of GCG good company is expected to run properly, efficiently and effectively so that the company can grow well that can ultimately benefit both the owner and all employees.


GCG implementation at PT. Bank Mayapada International Tbk. based on Bank Indonesia regulations:

  1. PBI No.8 / 4 / PBI / 2006 dated January 30, 2006 on Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Commercial Banks.
  2. PBI No.8 / 14 / PBI / 2006 dated October 5, 2006 on Amendment to Bank Indonesia Regulation No.8 / 4 / PBI / 2006 on Implementation of Good Governance for Commercial Banks.
  3. Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 9/12 / DPNP on May 30, 2007 on Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Commercial Bank

Besides these regulations, PT. Bank Mayapada Imternasional, Tbk. implement the principles of good corporate governance include: Transparency (Transparency), Accountability (Accountability), Responsibility (Responsibility), Independence (independency), Fairness and Equality (Fairness)

Transparency (Transparency)
Companies should provide the information that is material and relevant and easily accessible and understandable by the stakeholders, ie shareholders, creditors and other stakeholders. To support transparency, PT.Bank Mayapada International Tbk. has been providing a variety of information that the financial statements, products and services within the site Mayapada is

Accountability (Accountability)
Companies must be managed properly to account for its performance and protect the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders. To promote accountability, PT. The international Mayapada Bank, Tbk. must be supported by the company's organs and employees who have the ability in accordance with the duties and responsibilities. Recruitment is done through stages that are tight so that employees who have the ability and ethics will be accepted. After becoming employees will always be enhanced through continuous training.

Responsibility (CSR)
Companies must comply with the regulations and to implement responsibilities towards society and the environment so that it can
maintained long term sustainability. The responsibility of the international Mayapada PT.Bank, Tbk. to communities will be implemented through blood donation in collaboration with the Red Cross, donations to victims of natural disasters, provide scholarships for students who can not afford to have intelligence. Scholarship programs will be conducted in cooperation with universities.

Independency (independency)
Companies must be managed company organs independently so that each organ of the company does not dominate and intervention by other parties. Each organ company works in accordance with the responsibilities and authority of each. PT. Bank Mayapada International Tbk. managed by a Board of Directors consisting of persons who are experienced in the field of credit, marketing, finance, technology synergy, working together so PT.Bank Mayapada internsional, Tbk can run properly.

The Fairness and Equality (Fairness)
Companies always take into consideration the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders based on the principles of fairness and equality. Companies must treat stakeholders in accordance with the benefits and contributions made to the company. PT. Mayapada Bank will provide equal opportunities to every employee's career regardless of race, religion, race, class, gender and physical condition.
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Organ company consists of General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.


General Shareholders Meeting is a forum for shareholders to take decisions with regard to the capital invested with due regard to the Constitution and Laws and regulations. Decision-making by shareholders should still pay attention to the company's interests in the long term. Although shareholders can replace or dismiss the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, shareholders can not intervene functions, duties and authority of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.


BOC is collectively responsible for maintaining the company's sustainability. Council will oversee and advise the Board of Directors in order to keep the company running the GCG consistently. BOC as a watchdog function should not take operational decisions.

Board of Commissioners in performing its duties has established an Audit Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee.

- Audit Committee
The Audit Committee serves to assist the Board in ensuring:

    The financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
Internal control structure is implemented properly
Implementation of internal and external audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards applicable
Follow-up of audit findings conducted by the management

- Risk Oversight Committee
Risk Oversight Committee in charge:

    Assist the Board in reviewing its risk management policies
Assist the Board in evaluating the implementation of risk management policies

 - Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Remuneration and Nomination Committee is tasked to:

    Provide recommendation candidates for Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors and independent parties who will be a member of the Audit Committee and the Risk Oversight Committee to the Board of Commissioners.
Provide recommendations remuneration policy after considering the performance of the company, individual job performance, fairness peer group and objectives and long-term strategy Mayapada


The Board of Directors is collectively responsible for managing the company. Each member of the Board of Directors has the duty and responsibility of each individual but the resulting risks remain a shared responsibility of all members of the Board of Directors.


In accordance with the provisions of Bank Indonesia, the Bank should undertake an assessment of the implementation of GCG. PT.Bank Mayapada International Tbk. conduct an assessment of the implementation of the GCG to 11 (eleven) assessment factors consist of:

    Implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners
Duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
Completeness and implementation of the Committee's tasks
Handlers conflict of interest
Implementation of compliance
Implementation of the internal audit function
Application of external audit function
Application of risk management, including the internal control system
Provision of funds to related parties (related party) and large exposures (large exposures)
Transparency of financial and non financial condition of the Bank, reports on the implementation of good corporate governance and internal reporting
The Bank's strategic plan

GCG implementation report should be submitted to:
a. Bank Indonesia
b. Consumers Foundation (YLKI)
c. Agencies in Indonesia
d. Bank associations in Indonesia
e. Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI)
f.  2 (two) research institutes in the fields of economics and finance
g. Two (2) economic and financial magazines

Reports must be submitted no later than five (5) months after the fiscal year ends. GCG implementation report was first made to the final report in December 2007.

So set regarding the above to be carried out as well - good.


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BPT.Bank Mayapada Internasional,Tbk. is registered and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and insured member of Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS).

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